Bacterial Growth on Power Toothbrushes

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A new study conducted by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Dentistry has found that hollow-headed power toothbrushes can contain up to 3,000 times the bacterial growth as solid-headed alternatives. Many of these bacteria are linked to systemic diseases and illnesses, making their presence on toothbrushes all the more worrisome. Researchers are quick to acknowledge however that no link between bacteria on toothbrushes and systemic illness has, as of yet, been established.


Choosing the Best Toothbrush

Most manufacturers make no distinction between hollow and solid heads on their packaging. Educating yourself about all of your options remains the best way to choose the toothbrush ideally suited to meet your oral health needs. Mohegan Lake dentist Dr. Wanda Mejia would be happy to discuss toothbrushes with you during your regularly schedule oral hygiene visits to help narrow down your options and ensure you are using right one for your particular needs.

To schedule your appointment with Dr. Mejia, please contact Advanced Dentistry of Mohegan Lake today. Dr. Mejia serves the Upstate areas of White Plains, Westchester, Ossining, and Irvington from our conveniently located Mohegan Lake office.

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